Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate

118 years ago, in 1902, when four Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate arrived in Canada, little did they know they would have such a profound impact on the landscape that we call home. The Sisters accepted a challenge to travel to Canada to begin their new mission, not knowing what to expect. These Sisters found Ukrainian immigrants searching for familiarity in a new country. The Sisters lived and shared their faith while teaching the children, as well as their parents, to read, and to love and appreciate their rich spiritual and cultural heritage.

The Sisters Servants are now located across Canada, however, the largest numbers of these religious women continue to live and serve in Manitoba. Still passionate and active, the Sisters welcome opportunities to live out their missions to help:

  • Educate the young

  • Provide spiritual comfort to those in need

  • Nurture the lonely

  • Care for the sick

  • Provide comfort to the elderly

Would you like to support
SSMI Canada?

Your gift to the Sisters and their unique ministries across Canada, help to serve where the need is greatest. All gifts designated to the Sisters through Lubov are distributed to the ministries or houses of your choice.